How to Video Blog for Business Using Snapchat (Casey Neistat Case Study)

 Have you considered video blogging (vlogging) for business? You needn't post a video every day, or even every week, but if you're hosting an event, something cool is happening at the office, or you just want to give fans a glimpse at what goes on behind the scenes (however mundane it might be, passionate fans will really lap it up) vlogging can be a really effective way to go about it. 

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9 Snapchat Tips and Tricks You Might Not Know About 2014 | Snapchat Hidden Secrets

Snapchat is increasingly being used by brands as a unique way to connect with their customers. If you're one of those brands, are you making the most of everything the photo and video sharing app has to offer? Here are 9 Snapchat Tips and Tricks You Might Not Know About, updated for the summer of 2014.

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Snapchat Contest Ideas: GrubHub's "Spot the Bacon"

Here's a quick and inventive idea for you to run a contest on Snapchat, courtesy of GrubHub. Take a look at its "Spot the Bacon" Snapchat story:

It offered 10 fans the chance to win $50 of GrubHub vouchers by challenging them to spot and screenshot the word "bacon" in its story, then e-mail their pic to be entered. A selection of different t-shirts appear in quick succession for users to screen grab, and the effect is easily created by stitching together several short snaps to create a Snapchat story.

What do you think? Will you be trying this tactic out with your own Snapchat fans?

Andrew Macarthy is the author of the #1 Amazon Web Marketing Bestseller, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips, available for Kindle and in paperback.

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Watch How 5 Global Brands Are Using Snapchat Video for Marketing

Watch How 5 Global Brands Are Using Snapchat Video for Marketing

I've been keeping a close eye on Snapchat as a marketing platform for many months now, and every week it seems like another globally recognisable brand jumps on board to experiment with the app's unique engagement opportunities. Let's take a look at five examples of how global brands are using Snapchat video...

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