5 Ways to Use Instagram to Connect With Customers And Drive Sales (Pressed Juice Case Study)

5 Ways to Use Instagram to Connect With Customers And Drive Sales 

5 Ways to Use Instagram to Connect With Customers And Drive Sales 

Are you looking for inspiration and ideas when it comes to connecting with your customers on Instagram? Your approach should reflect the image-heavy app's focus on creative and emotive content, and one brand doing a very good job of it is Pressed Juicery. Let's take a look at a selection of the ways that it uses Instagram to attract an audience and engage with its fans:

1. Collaborations

In this image, Pressed Juicery works in conjunction with the Chalkboard Mag to promote each others' Instagram accounts and products. The content inspires users to try out the recipe, and reflects a scene that many of its customers might imagine happening in their own homes.

2. Cuteness

Any image that has the "aww" factor stands a good chance of being received well on social media, and the above image's like and comment count is testament to this. While the main focus of the image is on the dog, there is also a subtle hint of product promotion too.

3. Regramming

We saw an instance of re-gramming for collaboration's sake above, but here Pressed Juicery shares a photo (featuring one of its products) that was taken by a fan. By spotlighting it on their own account, it makes the customer feel special (making them more likely to share the image with their friends), and reinforces to everyone else the kind of lifestyle and culture associated with the brand.

4. Humour

In addition to cuteness, humour is a hugely popular category of images on social media. In the above example, Pressed Juicery shows the fun side of its brand personality, and hints to the fact that its products are something worth treasuring!

5. Promotion

Weve seen subtle use of branding and promotion in the earlier examples, but Pressed Juicery goes for a more overt tactic here. The company uses three separate images to tease and reveal the announcement of a summer promotion, complete with clear text overlays and pricing. It's well-known that users do not react well to constant self-promotion on social media, but when you've "earned" the opportunity through a mainly useful, entertaining, selfless, content strategy, the odd announcement like the above is normally okay. 

Over to you

How are you using Instagram to connect with your customers? Have any of the examples above given you inspiration for your strategy? Let me know in the comments below!

Andrew Macarthy is a social media consultant and the author of the #1 Amazon Web Marketing Bestseller, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips.

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